Bad-Assed Girls

We once lived boring lives in boring towns situated in boring countries on several boring continents. Well, one of us sometimes lives in a little, blonde world all her own but that's another blog. Our lives used to be so banal, so interminably dull, but not since we met! Hilarious, passionate, irreverant, wise, diverse, forthright, spiritual, bright, loving, compassionate, smart-assed, sexual, quick-witted, juicy. We're a batch of bitchin' babes & a couple of titular us blossom!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Quit Yer Bitchin'

I'm back, much as I didn't want to return, and have come back to a deluge! The Mid-Atlantic is socked in with rain, Washington, DC has been inundated. Unfortunately, the current male resident of the White House survived the flood and the tree which landed on the building's step. Dang. It's apparently been raining for several days and is expected to rain every day in the coming week. You happy now, Penny? ; )

I don't want to hear any more whining from you folks about my trip! The British pound is at 4:1 with the Barbados dollar so it would have been a cheap trick for any of you Brits to meet me up down there. They even speak your language!

Seriously, wouldn't it be grand to rent a villa on the beach...I know the perfect one and have pictures...and have a BAGs blast in Barbados? If we all went in on the villa together (it will sleep at least 8...I have dibs on the master suite with the attached balcony!) that cost would be nominal. I now know of places for really wonderful, inexpensive Bajan food and have made some friends among the local people in Payne's Bay.

Come with me or quit yer bitchin'!

If anybody's up for it, I'd love to go back, especially with a group of women (okay, and a guy or two) I could just have a blast with! Maybe we should start planning for next year...


  • At 12:51 AM, Blogger Cheryl said…

    What? Did I leave everyone speechless? Yes, that is really where I stayed and an unenhanced photo.

    Let's all go!


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