Bad-Assed Girls

We once lived boring lives in boring towns situated in boring countries on several boring continents. Well, one of us sometimes lives in a little, blonde world all her own but that's another blog. Our lives used to be so banal, so interminably dull, but not since we met! Hilarious, passionate, irreverant, wise, diverse, forthright, spiritual, bright, loving, compassionate, smart-assed, sexual, quick-witted, juicy. We're a batch of bitchin' babes & a couple of titular us blossom!

Friday, May 05, 2006

I Have Received Permission

Hey all...amid all the ills that seem to be plaguing us lately, I have some happy news. I have been given the all-clear to go and visit the grandboy over Mother's Day weekend! Woo-hoo! Look out, Brendan, here comes Nana! I'll be taking my mom out for her first visit with Bren. Wish me luck on the five-hour one-way drives there and back! ROFL!

I get to go back to work tomorrow for the first time following the Date Which Will Live in Infamy. I stopped by to apologize to my boss, Kathy, for having a ridiculous and ridiculously loud screaming match (expletives included) with a co-worker the other day. I am now either everyone's heroine or absolutely confirmed as a total head case! Oh well. Something's gotta give at work soon and it ain't gonna be me this time. I did not work up the nerve to talk to my director about the job I'm hoping for. I'd wanted to speak with Kathy first but she was away at a conference. I may call Connie (the boss's boss) tomorrow and try to get a handle on what's going on with the position. I need to know I have an out coming up or I have to start making one for myself.

Has anyone heard from Yvonne??? I guess the poor little bugger needed to go into the hospital. If anyone hears from her, please send my love? Kerry, feel better, too!

Love to all...


  • At 4:06 PM, Blogger Yvonne said…

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend Cheryl :-) Kiss Brendan copiously from me! And if your Mum gets on your nerves, just think of all the things I have offerred to do for you since we met. That should make you smile.

    Love Yvonne

  • At 5:39 AM, Blogger Cheryl said…

    I will, Von! I have to go find something very special for the new Mommy, too! Then I'll have to make a return trip for Father's Day, Independence Day in July, Labor Day in September (I'll just have to go out in August for a "regular" visit.)...

    I will try not to let my mother push me into being the headline story on the evening news! Fair enough?


  • At 11:07 AM, Blogger Yvonne said…

    Fair Enough ;-)

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Love Yvonne


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